Choosing Your Webinar Technology
Webinars are a highly powerful way to connect with audiences, identify leads, generate new revenue and increase brand awareness. As a result, you’ll want to be sure you choose the right technology solution to deliver your webinar and ensure flawless execution.
Here are some questions to consider when selecting your technology:
Type of Event
- What type of event are you hosting? Training, lead generation, announcements, etc
- Will you be charging for your events?
Target Audience
- How many participants are you seeking to host?
- Which countries will you be serving, and what language will be required?
- Have you considered you audience type? Tech savvy, same network, government, etc
Multimedia and Interactive Tools Required
- Will you be using videos, music or live camera feeds in your events?
- Will you be using PowerPoint, Flash, Word, Excel, Desktop, Application, or other types of documents?
- What types of interactive tools will be needed, such as polling or chatting?
Preferred Format
- Do you prefer a phone conference, streamed audio, or both for your event?
- Would you like the ability to record and archive the event?
- Have you considered the ease of use for users and speakers? For example, Mac vs. PC, mobile accessibility, browser compatibility and the ability to download supplemental information.
- Are you looking for available support leading up to and during the event?
- Do you prefer full service or self-service with your technology?
- Are you looking for event management services such as registration, pre & post event emails, etc.?
- What type of event budget type is best? For example, per participant, flat rate, per min.
- What security is required? Password protection, manual attendee acceptance?
- What reporting is desired from marketing and sales teams? Registration, attendance, etc