Keeping your registrants informed is extremely important as your event unfolds. If registrants do not know crucial details, such as how to join the event, what time it will take place, or have not been reminded about the seminar schedule, they will not attend. An average of 70 percent of your registrants will NOT show up. You have to work to keep them interested in attending your production!
At this stage in the planning everyone is registered. Now you need to simply remind registrants they are registered and give them the information needed to join the event. You could give your registrants access information at the time of registration, but there are various reasons it is good to wait. You may want to weed out competitors, and not providing information at the onset gives you reasons to send reminders. In addition, something may happen to cause you to want to change e-conferencing vendors and you do not want to have to send new access information.
Plan on sending three confirmation notes:
- One week before the live event – Calendar reminder/access check instructions
- One day before the live event – Access information
- Morning of the event – Access information again
Confirmation Email Structure:
To: (If you are sending this through MS Outlook make sure you put all the e-mail addresses in the
BCC space so that everyone does not see the other registrations.)
From: Your Company Name
Subject Line: Confirmation – XXXX Web event on XXXX (date)
Title: (event title goes here)
When: (date/time goes here)
Where: (access information here or in the first note tell them it will be coming soon)
Why: (remind them of the event highlights)
Who: (who to contact if they have questions)
Confirmation note tips:
- Make it clear in the subject line what you are sending.
- Keep it short!
- Have contact information for general questions and your vendor contact phone number or e-mail for technical questions.
- Watch out for words that will stop your e-mails in a spam filter, such as free, etc. No CAPS.